Hellgate: London Peek #5

RPG Vault is offering up a fifth installment to their ongoing “peek” features for Flagship Studios’ Hellgate: London. This time around, Flagship’s Bill Roper talks about combat in the action RPG, as well as the enemies we’ll be doing battle with.

Our characters fight Demons – and lots of them. We looked to many places for inspiration on the designs of our monsters, including ancient drawings, mythology, the Bible, movies, comics, desired gameplay effects and our own twisted imaginations. This led to creating four Castes of Demons, which we then populated with a variety of types that followed the theme of each. Necros, Spectral, Beasts and Primus make up the Hellgate hierarchy, and all of the monsters the players battle fit into those families. There are variations on each individual type, and some have specific relations to each other, working in concert against the player.

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