Hellgate: London Peek #4

RPG Vault is offering up a fourth installment to their ongoing “peek” features for Flagship Studios’ Hellgate: London. This time around, Flagship’s Bill Roper talks about character customization and equipment.

The attributes – as of right now, but as always, we can change things up at any time before release – are Accuracy, Concentration, Stamina and Willpower. These stats affect the Health, Power, Speed and Critical Hit chance for characters, but equally important is how they impact what items can be equipped. Each statistic acts as a cap, sort of how food works in an RTS. Some items require a certain amount of a specific stat(s) to be “free” to be equipped. For example, if you have a Concentration of 10 and a mod requires 4 Concentration to use it, you would then have 6 Concentration points left for equipping other items.

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