Hellgate: London Patch 0.7 Coming Soon

The official Hellgate: London site reports that patch 0.7 is nearly done while 0.6 currently resides in the test centre, where from players can try it out.

Howdy everyone! Work on the upcoming 0.7 patch is nearly done, and should be heading to our test center by early next week. We have a nice list of fixes in this patch, including improvements to memory usage, UI changes, and general skill updates.

Also included will be a number of really cool subscriber items and quests that should please many old D2 fans. We’ll detail this content, as well as the bug fixes, when the patch goes live. Thanks, and hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

PS Patch 0.6 is on the Test Center server now, so if you wanna help out, feel free to hop on and check it out. Also, the Party Portal issues should be resolved now after last night’s reboot.

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