Hellgate: London Has One Million Subscribers?

Buried within Microsoft’s open letter to PC gamers are a few interesting bits of information, including a claim that Flagship’s Hellgate: London now sports more than 1 million active subscribers.

The past year has seen exponential growth in online activity and sales, continued platform and hardware innovation, and continued success with the Games for Windows branding initiative, which adds prominence, a quality and technical bar, and a consistent look and feel to the retail PC gaming experience.

In the last year, we have helped launch a wide range of stellar PC game titles exclusive to Windows including (World in Conflict,) (Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar) and (Sins of a Solar Empire.) Other popular titles such as (Crysis) and (Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures) have sold and shipped more than 1 million copies, respectively. (Hellgate: London) now has more than 1 million active subscribers.

I wonder how many of them took advantage of the lifetime subscription. Either way, it’s gotta be giving FSS a nice revenue stream.

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