Hellgate: London Elite Subscriptions Detailed

Hellgate Guru is reporting that the latest sisue of Games For Windows Magazine has revealed the pricing structure for Flagship Studios’ Hellgate: London. Apparently anyone can play for free (aside from the $50/game cost), but those willing to pay $9.95/month will receive the following features:

– Elite subscribers pay $9.95 a month
– 24/7 phone- and internet-support
– No (server) queues for elite subscribers, with preference over non-paying customers
– 3 chars per account for non-elites, 12 for elite-customers
– Elite subscribers can store up to 40 items (instead of 20 for non-subscribers), which can be accessed from any char in an account-wide item vault.
– Visible distinction from other players. Elite subscribers are recognisable from their equipment and may trade subscriber-only equipment to other elite subscribers.
– VIP-Shuttles to remote areas
– Housing and founding of guilds are enabled for subscribers. Elite subscribers may attain officer/leader priviledges within their guild.
– Elite subscribers have access to additional game modes, including Hardcore mode.
– Elite subscribers and non-subscribers can play with each other.

I can’t imagine many people are going to be too happy to hear that it’s going to cost them $120/year just to create a guild.

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