Hellgate: London E3 Preview

The guys at ActionTrip have finally gotten around to posting their E3 preview of Flagship Studios’ Hellgate: London.

In case you are worried about content, you should know that Flagship really went all out. As far as the single-player is concerned, gamers can expect to go through as much as 200 side-quests, along with the main quest related to the storyline. As far as we know, Bill Roper, the Flagship CEO, promised around 30-40 hours of gameplay in the single-player campaign. The developers also emphasize the inclusion of so-called Chance Quests that are going to be extremely rare. Players will have to keep their eyes peeled for these quests, since they won’t come very often. In the end, however, Chance Quests should be well worth your time, as they involve rare loot.

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