Hellgate: London Character Creation Overview

IAHGames’ official Hellgate Resistance website has been updated with an overview of the different options available to players during character creation.

Gender: Male or Female. The only bonus for creating a female avatar is more whispers and group invites.

Face: The included faces represent a variety of ethnic groups to give a distinct look.

Hair Style: From the standard Caesar cut to a flamboyant Mohawk, your avatar can take on a variety of cuts until that big metal helm comes down and crushes it flat.

Facial Hair (Male) / Accessories (Female): Controls beards for male characters and facial piercing for females.

Skin Color: Selectable from a color palate that runs from deathly white to pitch black.

Hair Color: Also selectable from a color palate, includes the standard brown, blonde, black and red, with a few crazy colors like turquoise.

Height: Slider adjusts your character’s height.

Bulk: Slider adjusts your character’s bulk. Bulk is added as muscle, not fat. There are no flabby soldiers in The Resistance!

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