Heart of Winter Interview

This news is a couple days old, but I just noticed it now. Gamesmania has posted up an interview with both Darren Monahan and J.E. Sawyer of the Icewind Dale/Heart of Winter development team. Here’s an excerpt:

    Gamesmania: The game has some wickedly powerful weapons, artifacts and spells. What are your personal favs?

    J.E. Sawyer: My favorite weapon in the expansion is Three White Doves. It’s a Mace of Disruption, which means that every time you hit an undead creature with it, there’s a good chance the creature will automatically be annihilated. I gave it to a fighter with Grand Mastery in mace, hasted him, and watched him mow through hordes of barrow wights.

    I’m also a big fan of the Mourner’s Armor, which you find relatively late in the expansion. It gives you some good resistances and a decent AC, but it blocks out your character’s hit point display. You never know if he or she is at full health or hovering at death’s door.

Check out the full interview right here.

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