Have MMORPGs Gone Mainstream?

Gamasutra has published an editorial that offers several industry professionals’ opinions on whether or not MMORPGs have gone mainstream with the success of World of Warcraft. Midway’s Tony Dormanesh had this to say:

WoW is absolutely reaching the mainstream market. I’m in a guild in WoW where there are many players who are playing their first MMO, and beyond that, playing their first video game ever! For example, my girlfriend plays and she would’ve never thought to buy a video game until trying out WoW. She works at a medical device company, and her female co-workers talk about playing WoW. But then again, WoW is the best MMO out there for hardcore and casual gamers alike. World of Warcraft is a great license also, but to most casual gamers, Star Wars or the Matrix are more notable names. It’s not about the license, it’s about making a great game.

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