Hard Truck: Apocalypse Wrap Report

RPG Vault has published a three-page wrap report feature for Hard Truck: Apocalypse, in which three team members look back at the game’s development and evaluate the decisions they were forced to make for the post-apocalyptic action RPG. Here’s a taste:

Aleksey Tchestnikh: The brief phrase that may describe the concept of the game best is “Elite on wheels”. We set out to provide drive / combat / trade / upgrade gameplay, and we think we succeeded. Among the games that influenced us, there were such titles as: Elite, Fallout, Vangers, Bandits: Phoenix Rising and Freelancer. And the Mad Max movies, of course.

The games that inspired us all had huge worlds to explore and cool combat. However, most Privateer-like games take place in outer space, while we wanted to be closer to our mother Earth. 🙂 So, we based our game on Earth, in a post-apocalyptic future and put the gamer behind the wheel of a heavy truck.

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