Hard to be a God Post-Mortem

cRPG.ru is offering some coverage on a post-mortem on Hard to be a God (fully available on DTF), already released in Russia and set for English release in April. We haven’t really followed the news on this game coming from Russia, but it appears it has been badly received and that the project’s development team were aware of quite a few problems. A few tidbits translated:

In this piece, Vladimir Kovern (project lead) and Vldimir Nikolayev (Burut manager and the internal product of the project), frankly speak of these difficulties, that the developers encountered along the way. Amongst the main problems should be noted the working schedule proposed by Akella, the owners of the game conversion of the famous novel of the Stragtskii brothers. It provided for the separation of responsibilities for the development of design: game-design and scripting of the game remained with the publisher, the work on the engine and content with the Voronezh studio [Burut – trans]
Absolutely foolish and unacceptable were:
* The separation of responsibilities for scripting and the engine/content between two companies (it is necessary to tear the feet off whomever devised that schedule)
* To allow a situation where the scenarist was responsible for design
* To suffer a producer, with whom there is no common language.

cRPG.ru notes the article may be too one-sided in putting all the blame on Akella, but it’s pretty obvious that the cooperation between Akella and Burut did not go well.

The game is set for English release by Nobilis in mid-April. Expect our review around that time, and see if we agree with cRPG.ru’s assertion that this is a game with “a couple of interesting ideas and typically average realization of the rest.”

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