Hammer & Sickle Reviews

A trio of new reviews for CDV and Nival’s Hammer & Sickle surfaced on the web over the past few days. The first is at G4 with an overall score of 3/5:

Hammer and Sickle has a great premise, mixing the turn-based combat of Silent Storm with an RPG to provide more involvement and more opportunities for conflicts. Sadly, that promise isn’t as well developed as it could be. Combat is occasionally brilliant, but the stealth scenes are a real chore. Developing your characters’ skills adds a lot to the game, but listening to them talk will give you a headache. Hardcore tactical strategy fans are used to overlooking shortcomings like this, so they’ll likely find some fun here. For most, though, this one just isn’t worth it.

The second is at AceGamez with an overall score of 5/10:

Hammer & Sickle is a great and original concept, but the story was executed by a firing squad at the beginning. The game is slow to play and the timing system can make that even slower, World War III will start more times than you’ll be able to count and a fully destructible environment isn’t worth much when you are supposed to be stealthy. The story is short and having no clue what to do makes it highly infuriating, so I would only recommend this to people with a lot of time and patience, as there is perhaps some enjoyable gameplay here if you’re willing to put in the effort. For the rest of you, it’s simply just another game that you should really leave out in the cold.

And the third is at Tacticular Cancer with no overall score:

Asinine CGW editors be damned, this is a great game. If you have even the slightest interest in turn-based combat or roleplaying, this is a worthy purchase. The SS combat engine is second to none and the abundance of options for your character to pursue is mind-boggling. Now, if only the damned thing would sell.

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