GURPS Fourth Edition To Release In August

Steve Jackson Games has announced that a fourth edition of GURPS, the role-playing system that the Fallout titles were originally going to use, will be released in August. Check it out:

GURPS Fourth Edition To Release In August!

In August 2004, at GenCon, Steve Jackson Games will release GURPS Fourth Edition, starting with the two-volume Basic Set. Fans have been asking about a new edition for years, and we’ve always said it wouldn’t happen until we could justify the change in terms of both rules and presentation. Well, we’re there.

Sean Punch, GURPS Line Editor for the past nine years, and David Pulver, a key contributor responsible for many of the core GURPS supplements, took two years to break the system down and rebuild it, guided by a decade and a half of gamer feedback. The new rules are designed to enhance the key strengths of GURPS: compatibility with all genres and flexibility for the GM. You’ll still recognize it, but a lot of little things – and a few big ones! – are different.

The physical quality of the line will take a big jump with the Fourth Edition. All books now on the schedule (and we’re scheduling three years ahead) will be hardcover, with full-color interiors. And we won’t accept any art that’s not gorgeous. The two Basic Set books, for instance, will have cover art by John Zeleznik, who has done a lot of our best covers over the years.

The new-style GURPS books will be bigger – most of them over 200 pages – because fans continue to ask for more depth, and tell us “Get it all into one book.” So after the Basic Set and GURPS GM’s Screen are out, we’ll release one BIG book per month, every month, like clockwork.

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