Guild Wars Sorrow’s Furnace Interview

IGN PC has published a two-page interview with ArenaNet’s Jess Lebow, in which the world designer answers questions about their newly launched Sorrow’s Furnace update for Guild Wars. A snippet:

Q: So, what’s the deal with Sorrow’s Furnace? Where is it? What’s going on there? Who’s involved?

A: Sorrow’s Furnace was an iron mine high up in the Shiverpeak Mountains. At one point, as the Deldrimor Dwarves worked their way deeper and deeper into the rock, a temple to the Great Dwarf was erected in the open cavern. The mine was abandoned several decades ago, and the temple has long since been desecrated (oh, the horror!). Recently, the Stone Summit beastly little varmints that they are have taken up residence in the Furnace. It’s the belief of King Jalis Ironhammer that the Summit are planning something sinister, and he doesn’t intend to be the last to find out what it is.

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