Guild Wars Reviews

Yet another pair of very positive reviews for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars have kicked off the new week. The first is at Netjak with an overall score of 9.3/10:

In terms of replay value, Guild Wars is well worth the full retail price. I have put at least 80 hours into the game since purchasing it at the end of April; this does not include PvP time. Guild Wars is incredibly immersive and addicting gaming experience, and with new quests being added to the game and the promise of expansion packs for the game, it looks like we’re all going to be hooked for a long, long time.

And the second is at GameSlave:

So in this world of World of Warcraft and Dark Age of Camelot, can Guild Wars muscle it’s way in with the big boys. In this journalists opinion, yes it can. In time it should bring in the players, as that lure of no monthly fees is a strong one. But NC Soft have said that they will be bringing out expansions to the game and that these expansions will cost as much as a full game. Now this could be a problem for some players but NC Soft have also said that players are in no way obligated to buy these expansions and their games will not be affected if they choose not to purchase them.

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