Guild Wars Preview

Although Guild Wars has just hit store shelves, TenTonHammer is offering up a final preview of ArenaNet’s MMORPG. Their final paragraph:

Guild Wars is not the average MMORPG. There is a palpable storyline and a rich environment for PvE enthusiasts, while PvP fans can duke it out to their heart’s content in multiple arenas and gameplay styles without having to grind their way into competitive condition. Gripes that you may have about MMOs – bland plot, long travel times, constant grind, boring quests, poor character development, substandard PvP, crowded areas and spawncamping – have been addressed. The visuals are gorgeous. The audio is excellent. Though this may not be for the average MMORPG player, this is definitely a game worth looking into, particularly if you enjoy team-based combat. And best of all, there’s no monthly fee.

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