Guild Wars Preview

The guys at FileFront have written up a two-page preview of Guild Wars, based on some recent firsthand experience with ArenaNet’s MMORPG. Here’s a taste:

Another really cool aspect of Guild Wars is the network code employed by the game. Throughout our playtest, there was never a single bit of lag, and the extra network speed that wasn’t being utilized by the actual game was being used to stream in more content for the game to use in upcoming areas. The Guild Wars client is a mere 91 KB and, once you have that, you have everything you need to get in the game, because the content and other assets are streamed to you in-game, without causing any in-game lag. What’s even cooler is that Guild Wars has been online and playable for more than two years in a private alpha test that includes a few hundred external testers. Throughout that entire time, the longest time the primary playing servers were offline maxed out at fifteen minutes, and the servers only went out a mere handful of times. Pretty amazing.

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