Guild Wars: Factions Free-For-All PvP Weekend

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with an announcement that they will be hosting a Global Free-For-All PvP Weekend Event starting on January 20th. The new event will give players a taste of what’s to come in the Guild Wars: Factions expansion pack. A few details:

The Guild Wars Team would like to invite gamers everywhere to join us on the weekend of January 20th for a Guild Wars: Factions Global Free-For-All PvP Weekend Event! This event will take place on the Battle Isles, the new PvP continent. Players can visit this new area of the world to to try out a brand new arena, to visit the new combat training zones, or to experience the PvP explorable areas. Join us to get an early look at how PvP will evolve with the coming of Guild Wars: Factions!

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