Guild Wars Factions Character Types

IGN PC has published a feature that profiles all of the different character types available in Guild Wars Factions, including some initial details about the new Assassin and Ritualist classes. An excerpt:

A cross between a necromancer and a monk, Ritualists use energies from the spirit realm to cast their spells. New arrivals to Cantha are frequently unnerved by these spellcasters. Ritualists appear to walk around blind, routinely covering their eyes and instead relying on an Inner Sight to find their way through the spirit world.

The bones of small animals are a common element in the garb worn by Ritualists. They claim the magic in once-live objects brings them closer to the spirits that once inhabited the physical flesh.

The Factions Pre-Order package also includes Spiritbinder, a limited-edition weapon that Ritualists can use when they commune with the spirit world.

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