Guild Wars Character Profile: The Mesmer

GameSpot brings us another character profile for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, this time focusing on the game’s Mesmer profession. An excerpt:

Like other characters, mesmers possess signets–special skills that cost no energy to cast, but have a long recharge time. But characters who adopt this profession exert control over their enemies by means of three major sets of skills: illusion, domination, and inspiration. Illusion skills create phantom burdens that slow an enemy’s movement speed or ability to use certain skills. Domination skills inflict damage and other harmful effects on enemies whenever they perform certain actions. Inspiration skills actually steal away magic energy whenever enemies use specific skills of their own. The mesmer is quite possibly the most subtle and advanced character class in Guild Wars, if for no other reason than the fact that it’s the only class whose skills don’t have immediate and obvious effects in battle. However, mesmers can be powerful allies who can make tough enemies much more approachable.

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