Guild Wars Beta Event Impressions

RPGVault has put together a two-page preview of Guild Wars, based upon what they saw in the game’s latest beta event. A snippet, as usual:

The Tomb of the Primeval Kings is set up for groups of eight. At this location, you begin in a meeting area just outside, and have to recruit or join a team; the game doesn’t place you on one. Largely depending how assertive you are, it can be only a couple of minutes before you’re ready to go, or you can end up standing around for a fair bit longer. In any event, when you enter the mission, the first order of business is to protect a Ghostly Hero NPC from attacks by a series of creatures. These last a couple of minutes, but they don’t come at you in huge waves, so with the pumped-up characters, this isn’t a very difficult task, even when a group doesn’t work well together.

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