Guild Wars 2 Preview

The latest preview for ArenaNet’s ambitious sequel to Guild Wars comes from the folks at IncGamers, who had the chance to go hands-on with the title during this year’s GamesCom, and going by the brief piece they write about it, they seem suitably impressed with the title. They also offer three videos of meaty cam footage of the title shot at PAX Prime, for your viewing pleasure.

The PvP system has been developed around the more familar FPS model, servers that are always online that players can join. This alleviates problems with queus we so often see while wanting to join a PvP game in some of the more recent MMO releases. This system will give players the freedom to take part in PvP with ease.

In what can best be described as a PvP lobby, players will see a list of game servers which they can join. As server fill up with players ArenaNet’s system will automatically spawn new servers so there will always be somewhere to play. ArenaNet’s Eric Flannum mentioned that they will be looking at allowing players to create servers with their own specific rules, very similar to what FPS do now with dedicated servers which will be a fantastic is the feature does get added.

The PvP level on show featured capture point locations, and although we only got a glimpse of the single level, the zone was designed so players can interact with objects in the level. Whether it be breaking glass to create shortcut through a window or activating a trebuchet to take down an objective, ArenaNet want players to ecplore the PvP levels and use all the nooks and crannies to their advantage. It all looks rather fun.

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