Guild Wars 2 Interview

Czech fansite has an interview with lead designer Eric Flannum and lore and continuity designer Jeff Grubb on ArenaNet’s MMO sequel Guild Wars 2.

Many skills we have seen have a long recharge time, especially elite skills. Will this be taken into consideration in PvP? Isn’t a player who has more skills recharged more likely to win a fight?

Eric: We allow for skills to be balanced differently in competitive PvP than in PvE or WvW. If we find that a skill is not balanced with its current recharge time in either of these cases, then we will change it so that it is balanced. A player who has more skills recharged is not more likely to win a fight. The most important thing is how a player uses those skills. If a player has used their long recharge skills and used them effectively, then they should have gotten an advantage for themselves and more importantly for their team. If they used those skills poorly then they should be at a disadvantage.

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