Grotesque Tactics II: Dungeons & Donuts Preview

For some reason I’m not privy to, so far the only publications that have offered previews for Grotesque Tactics II: Dungeons & Donuts are fairly small ones, and this brief piece from DigitalHippos is no exception, with a tentatively positive outlook on Silent Games’ RPG/Strategy hybrid. Here’s a sampling:

I had actually heard of the original Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, but I had never played it. After trying out the sequel though, I’m sure that I will be playing them both very soon. To be honest, I was a bit concerned about checking out Dungeons and Donuts after looking at screen shots of the original game. I am a bit of a graphics snob, and I was worried that the game wouldn’t have a good enough story line to keep me interested. I was wrong about both. Not only are the graphics for the upcoming game great, but the storyline is enthralling if for no other reason than the humor. I generally don’t play many RPG strategy games because I usually find them to be tedious and repetitive. That was not the case here. The new Grotesque Tactics 2 is both fun and funny. The dialogue in this game is hilarious. The characters have absurd relationships with each other as well as with themselves, and some of the quests that you are given are ridiculous. Here is one example: I reached a part of the game where I was to choose one of three possible choices to continue on quest wise. I could choose between (the road less traveled) where I would have to fight a giant or do something just as similarly impossible sounding. I could take (the road most traveled) Which initialed killing a bunch of skeletons. Or I could take (the road for total noobs.) The latter involved the picking of some flowers and probably hugging something cuddly. Having never played a game from this series before, I chose the latter. I was appalled to find out that not only did my NPC group mates not want to help me on this epic journey because I was now lame, but now I had to face (hippy) skeletons that wouldn’t let me pick my flowers. To say the least, I think I might love this game, and I intend to purchase it as soon as it is available.

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