Grotesque Tactics II: Dungeons & Donuts Preview

The latest preview for Grotesque Tactics II: Dungeons & Donuts comes from the folks at Platform Nation, who put together a brief and positive piece for us to read. Here’s a sampling:

The mechanics of the game are set up like a strategy RPG that has you traveling dungeons until you encounter an enemy, at this point a grid-like overlay appears beneath the play area. You then receive a set amount of spaces to move on your turn, after that you choose between an attack, special attack, wait, or defend action but you are also allowed to use potions at will. From that point each encounter is turn-based with positioning off attacks being crucial for effective attacks on the enemy.

Quests usual feature witty banter between your character and the NPCs and for the most part consist of the usual variety of fetch quests and boss bounties found in many fantasy RPG’s. Along with these quests you will also be tasked with making a variety of foods to please the various denizens of the underground kingdom the game uses as its hub. There’s also a guild system that will have you recruiting unique companions that will help you along your quest against the Fog that is invading the land. The snide comments and banter made by your companions is what really makes the sometimes repetitive adventuring worthwhile.

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