Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #88

In Grim Misadventures #88, the Crate Entertainment team has taken a moment to reflect upon the staggering amount of development progress they made on Grim Dawn during 2015. If you’ve been playing the action RPG over the last several builds already, then this is going to be familiar territory for you, of course, but here are a few additions for those of you who haven’t been:

‘¢ Damage Per Second display was overhauled so that you could accurately determine your damage output with any skill, not just basic auto attacks. A new Damage Per Hit section was added so that you could quickly compare how your gear was affecting your abilities. Finally, the skill tooltips themselves were redone so that they update with your equipment and buff bonuses.
‘¢ Treasure Troves were added as a means to hunt for fun and reliable sources of Iron Bits. Who knew that blowing up chests was a smart thing to do?
‘¢ Updated Loot System dramatically cut down the number of duplicate unique items you would get from chests.
‘¢ The Devotion System added another complex layer to character creation in Grim Dawn. Devotion Shrines were scattered across the world so that you could unlock powerful Celestial Powers that are attached to your Mastery and Equipment skills.
‘¢ Act 4 was released. The already larger than promised world became even larger with the release of Act 4. You fought your way to the Black Legion stronghold at Fort Ikon, then faced off against the Cult of Ch’thon at the Necropolis as they sought to bring forth the Loghorrean, the Voice of Ch’thon.
‘¢ Performance Optimization – many improvements were made to the game’s code in order to squeeze out smoother framerates for everyone, particularly for those with older CPUs. Many players saw huge jumps in performance where previously they struggled to get even a steady 30 frames per second.
‘¢ Empowered Epics – Old favorites were brought back as we took all of the low level Epic items and remade them as new high level versions for you to hunt down, with updated stat values, new stats and even new skills.
‘¢ Legendary Items – Over 240 Legendary items were introduced into the loot pool to be hunted down. Legendaries represented the pinnacle of loot, with nearly every Legendary in the game offering a special power.
‘¢ The Second Rogue-like Dungeon, Bastion of Chaos was added with the release of Act 4, allowing you to delve into the deepest reaches of the Chthonic Void and face off against its most cruel denizens.

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