Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #81

A quick stop by the Grim Dawn forums is met with the realization that an 81st “Grim Misadventures” feature is now available, with this particular entry revealing the final faction in the action RPG, the Outcast. Indulge in a little background information about the witch Anasteria:

You have already come in contact with her kind back in the Blood Grove, when you encountered a trio of terrified peasants trying to dispose of a witch in the only matter that seems fitting: burning at the stake. Depending on how you chose to resolve the situation, Rallia either met her end at the hands of these individuals, or you set her free.for better or worse. When you arrive at Fort Ikon to the north, you will discover that the Black Legion seems to have a witch problem of their own.

Not much is known about the enigmatic Anasteria, or why she knows so much about the Aetherials and their plans for humanity. She seemingly arrived out of nowhere, her hands raised high above her head as she approached the Legion forces in the north. She was immediately taken to the Inquisitor, who the Black Legion brass decided would be the most experienced in dealing with witches and sorcery. Before the Grim Dawn, witches would often be tried and burnt on the same day they were captured, their position in society beneath even that of occultists.

Anasteria was brought before Creed bound in chains. She could seldom lift a finger without a Legion Myrmidon reaching for his blade. Creed insisted upon calm. He too was cautious of this mysterious arrival, but he was willing to hear her out before condemning her to the noose. Anasteria spoke at length about all she had learned about the Aetherials through her premonitions and warnings from the bones.

What sparked Creed’s attention though was mention of an impending Aetherial attack upon a Legion camp out in the Asterkarn Valley. Creed motioned for the guards to deliver this information to Commander Lucius immediately. Perhaps Anasteria was lying, but if she was right then Legion lives were at stake. Creed was not willing to take that chance. An eldritch familiar was sent out at once to warn the scouts of the attack. Creed and Anasteria sat in silence, awaiting the result of her warning.

Within the hour, Commander Lucius himself entered the room to inform Creed of Aetherial forces pouring into the Asterkarn Mountains through a pass they had believed was too snowed in for anyone to cross. Thanks to Anasteria’s warning, the scouts were able to retreat in time. Creed and Lucius eyed the witch with curiosity, her mask hiding any indication of her reaction to the news. Creed ordered that Anasteria’s shackles be removed. If they were to continue talking, they would do so on equal terms.

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