Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #101

Moving forward with the next hundred installments of their “Grim Misadventures” feature, the team at Crate Entertainment brings us installment #101, which focuses on loot balancing, additions, and revisions, while also dropping a sizeable hint toward the development of an expansion. Word is:

As we mentioned back in GM#100, v1.0.0.6 is focused on bringing your more options when hunting for endgame loot. This comes in many forms:

1) Refined relative balance of Legendary Rings
Many of the Legendary Rings currently do not offer much in terms of much-needed resistances. This places a disproportionate value upon those that do fill in that gap. As such, we took a look at all of the Legendary Rings and made sure that all of them provide some degree of survivability.

2) Adjusted several Rare Affixes
Similarly to the rings, not all Rare quality affixes are competitive for Ultimate difficulty. We did another pass on those to add more resistance gearing options at higher level (~50+).

3) Revised all level 55+ Epic Item Sets
As the game balance continued to be refined, many of these item sets began to lag behind. Rather than providing a viable stepping stone to Legendary items, they were generally looked over. With, high level Epic Item sets should not only be more competitive for max level, they may even open up some new build opportunities.

4) Added 7 new Legendary Sets
Just in case all of the above was not enough, we’ve gone ahead and created 28 new Legendary items for you to hunt down and add to your collection. These items fall into 7 sets designed to support builds that are not already supported by the existing Legendary set selection.

In total, v1.0.0.6 will bring you 28 all new Legendary items, and over 90 revised Epic Items, which should greatly spice up what you may be looking for when gearing out your max level characters!

As is standard procedure here at Crate, we’re not stopping there. V1.0.0.7 will come before the end of the year with a brand new Aetherial themed roguelike dungeon, absolutely brimming with lore, monster infrequents and new dangers to discover.

Beyond that…I hear rumors of a certain expansion that’s actively in development.

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