Grim Dawn Environment Poll

Grim Dawn, the long-in development hack-and-slash by Crate Entertainment, made more than its share of money on Kickstarter thanks to the generous backing of its fans.  Now, to fulfill one of its stretch goals, the developer has put up a poll asking the community what brand-new environment they should include in the game.

Here are descriptions of the options for the first poll:

Evil Forest
Like a normal forest but more eviler! Lots of creepy dead trees, dim lighting and swirling mists. I imagine it would make a nice home for thorned horrors and were-creatures.

Scorched earth, trenches and haunting remnants of epic battle. Craters steaming with the remnants of potent alchemical weapons. Twisted metal and charred bodies scattered about broken engines of war.

Ch’thonic Void
Occasional, randomized portals will allow players to travel to regions of the Ch’thonic Void, which will be a dark and twisted landcape of obsidian rock, ash, bones and lakes of blood, crackling with chaotic energy and swarming with enemies. Odds of surviving to find the exit portal… not good.

Sewer system underground set for creating a twisted network of dank, dark sewers underneath towns and cities that lead off into forgot areas where various types of unsavory humans or foul creatures have taken refuge.

An underground to attach to our above-ground graveyards. Walls hollowed out to house the bones of the dead, family mausoleum chambers, mass burial pits and rooms with elaborate shrines made out of bones. No doubt you’d stumble upon evidence of necromantic rituals or even covens of necromancers enjoying a resurgence now that the empire has been destroyed and there are no authorities to keep them in check.

A section of city where big ships were built, now silent and eerie. Old hulls rotting in the harbor, big cranes overhead, half-finished vessels up on platforms.

Train tracks and old, primitive engines and train cars, some on rails, some lined up waiting to be repaired or scrapped. A old train depot fallen into ruin.

Be sure to vote on your favorite one over at Crate Entertainment’s forum! Currently “Ch’thonic Void” leads the pack… but the “Railyard” idea sounds pretty interesting too.

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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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