Grim Dawn Alpha Progress Update

Crate Entertainment’s medierra has issued a forum update on Grim Dawn’s development, explaining how close they are to alpha and what snags they met on the road to get there. Here’s a snip:

Around Sept or Oct of last year both of the part-time animators we had working on the project ended up in crunch at their day jobs (both at different studios). They were out of the game for longer than expected and things got behind in the animation department. We also found some issues with the character rig when work began on skinning the female armor. Our main animator struggled with this on and off as his busy scheduled allowed but progress in identifying and fixing the problem was slow. We ultimately had to track down and set up a Skype meeting with the original Titan Quest animator. Those problems appear to fixed now but they did their damage in slowing us down and caused some rework.

Fortunately, pre-order sales have been higher than I had predicted after the KS and some things in our budget ended up not being as expensive as I had anticipated. The result is that we were able to bring on a full-time senior technical animator, who starts this coming week. Best of all, he already has experience working with the TQ engine as his last job was at Stomp (aka Tencent Boston), which was started by one of the owners and the former president of Iron Lore. They started out prototyping in the TQ engine on their past project. We’ve also brought on another contract animator to help us make up for lost time and he’s currently at work animating the first mini-boss that will be in the alpha.

Now that we’ll have a full-time animator, we won’t have to worry about any future cases of people’s unpredictable part-time availability slowing us down. I also expect that we’ll be able to have more / higher quality animations in Grim Dawn. One of the little bonuses we’re hoping to get to is more ambient animation for things like swaying lights and hanging corpses that react to the wind.

In terms of alpha, some of the biggest things that remain are getting the mini-boss and “act-end” boss animated. There are also a number of armor pieces that need to be skinned.

We also got a little carried away with quests… but I think in a good way. while working to get quests in we’ve added some cool new features, like the survivors you can rescue that visually change the town. We’ve also greatly enhanced the UI and quest completion tracking as well as increasing the randomization of where quest objectives can appear. There is still some work required to get all the new quest stuff fully working.

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