Getting Schooled in MMOs

The folks at 1Up have published an article entitled “Getting Schooled in MMOs”, in which they offer some advice for those of you just starting your MMORPG adventures. A little something about World of Warcraft:

Making progress with a character takes a little longer in World of Warcraft, and a character that has reached the level cap represents a significant investment of time. WoW is a better choice if you want a game you’re really going to settle into for a while. It’s a world everyone should be familiar with, and it looks so much better when it’s not being seen from high in the sky. In fact, it’s one of the best looking games ever. Rather than aiming for mechanical realism the characters and environments have been endowed with truly a unique sense of style. The game’s eight races are split among two factions, with traditionally nice types on the side of The Alliance, and icky or brutish things on the side of The Horde. The players on each side are engaged in an ongoing conflict, which is made all the more interesting by an artificial language barrier that prevents them from talking with each other. Most of the time it makes for a whole lot of killing, but occasionally results in surreal situations like an orc traveling with a human party and communicating with gestures.

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