GB Feature: The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Review

It’s not very often that we get a co-op-focused action RPG with a mix of steampunk and horror (in fact, I can’t think of any other title that meets that criteria), but that’s exactly what Neocore Games has brought us in The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. So head over to our full review if you’d like to know if the $15 title is worth its asking price:

What sets Van Helsing apart is the setting. You start out in an area of forests and swamps, where “murky” is the operative word, and then you move on the eastern European city of Borgova, which mixes together a 19th century look with a lot of strange, mechanical contraptions. The graphics engine is more than capable of handling these sorts of locations, and I didn’t have any trouble running the game at its maximum settings even though my computer is a couple years old.

Van Helsing also has a nice amount of variety with the creatures you face. They’re not just a bunch of melee and ranged fighters that look cosmetically different. Some creatures breed other creatures, some grab you and draw you into melee range, some charge at you and bowl you over, some swing a large weapon that it’s a good idea to dodge around, some toss bombs at you that you need to avoid, and more. If you play the game at the “normal” difficulty setting then you might miss a lot of this, since at that difficulty you can pretty much just go toe-to-toe with everything, but if you make your way up to “heroic” then you really have to pay attention to what you’re doing, and the detail of the enemies becomes more apparent.

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