GB Feature: Silent Storm Review

Our latest review is for JoWood and Nival’s Silent Storm, with the tactical strategy/role-playing game receiving our Editor’s Choice Award! Here’s an excerpt:

Likewise, the graphics and music give that extra bit of polish that keeps you from being distracted by the gameplay, which is of course the star of the show. Like most games of it’s type, Silent Storm uses a gameplay system in which actions are assigned a certain amount of action points and each character gets a certain amount of points to spend during his turn in a combat round. If you haven’t played this type of game before, here’s basically how it works. Your character moves around in real time until an enemy soldier spots him. The soldier initiates combat and spends a few action points to crouch, then a few more to fire a round at your character. The round misses and the turn passes to you. You now get to decide how you will spend the action points allocated to you. Will you crouch and return fire, or dash into the nearby forest and hide behind a tree to reload?

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