GB Feature: Seagate 5 GB Pocket Drive Review

We bring you an in-depth look at Seagate’s 5 GB pocket drive, which just so happens to work exceptionally well for bringing all those classic games with you during your travels. An excerpt:

Aside from the obvious cost-per-gigabyte advantage over standard flash drives, the Seagate pocket drive is packaged with a nifty piece of software that allows you to make the most use of it. In addition to your standard diagnostic information, the toolkit software also gives you the ability to make the pocket hard drive bootable, password and write protect your files, and modify the drive’s partitions. To make your files secure, you can use the toolkit software to create a private partition and then require a password to access this particular partition. You must use the software to gain entrance to the private partition at a later date, though, so you have to make sure the main toolkit file is left on a public partition.

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