GB Feature: Pyre Review

If you’re in the mood for a unique experience, then you just might want to set your sights on our full review of Pyre to make an informed decision on whether or not Supergiant Games’ latest role-playing offering will fit the bill.  A pair of paragraphs to give you an idea of what to expect:

Your AI opponents have their own ambitions and sometimes history with certain members of your team, adding another layer to your decision-making process. For example, one of your companions might develop a crush on one of your opponents, another one might have a sister on the opposing team, and so forth. Because of that, even though your input during the Blackwagon sections of the game is mostly limited to picking left or right, the decisions you make over time compound to create a story unique to you and you alone.

On the other hand, the overarching story suffers because of that. It doesn’t get the chance to fully develop and you may even feel like you’re being railroaded into a particular path that you wouldn’t have ever chosen if it were up to you. Without spoiling much, the simple premise of escaping later on transforms into a noble plan to overthrow the government that had exiled you. The thing is, you go along with this plan even though you have just met the character that lays it onto you and have absolutely no reason to trust him at that point.

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