GB Feature: Dragonshard Post-Release Interview

We had the opportunity to chat with Liquid Entertainment designer Charley Price about the development of Dragonshard and what the team has planned for the game’s future. A little something to start you off:

GB: Did you plan on basing Dragonshard in Eberron from the beginning or were other settings (Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Dragonlance, etc.) considered at one time?

Charley: As avid D&D gamers, all of us have fond memories with each of the various campaign settings. We ended up choosing Eberron because we loved a lot of the ideas that Keith [Baker] was working on in the preliminary Eberron source material, and felt that gamers deserved to be introduced to the fresh and unique elements of a brand new setting rather than merely revisiting the familiar landscapes of the Forgotten Realms.

It also gave us an opportunity to help forge part of the foundation of the world itself. The realizations of a number of the characters and environments in our game were directly reflected in a number of source material pieces that Keith Baker wrote for Dragon magazine and other D&D addendums. The nature of Dragonshards and how they relate to the game world also provided an indirect inspiration for how we would handle resource management in a new and innovative way.

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