GB Feature: Deus Ex: Human Revolution – The Missing Link Review

We were given the chance to shoot, socialize, and stealth our way through Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s first set of DLC a few days before it launches, and have slapped up a full review to help you decide if its $15 price point is right for you. A snip:

To get too much into detail would spoil much of the fun in The Missing Link, but suffice is to say that throughout the story, Adam will have to make a tough choice, will meet some interesting new allies, and will come across far more callbacks and references to the original Deus Ex than he ever did in Human Revolution’s original campaign. I’d honestly go so far as to say that even the writing is a lot more self-assured and interesting this time around, as well – that might be partially due to the more self-contained plot arc, but I think it also reflects that Eidos Montreal know exactly what they’re aiming for this time around, and the result is a story which fits in well both with Human Revolution and the original Deus Ex.

This is, for fans of Deus Ex, The Missing Link’s strongest element. If you felt that Human Revolution was lacking in top-secret laboratories and high-tech military compounds to explore, you’ll feel right at home in The Missing Link, which features a set of sufficiently “Deus Exy” environments, everything from the initial cargo ship, to a large warehouse area, to the bowels of a sufficiently sinister lab. Many of these areas recall, at least in spirit, some of Deus Ex’s most memorable locations, and I had a lot of fun playing through them. Even so, The Missing Link also manages to be interesting in its own right, without becoming overly derivative or forgetting Human Revolution’s own art style, atmosphere, character interaction and its other strong points.

A total of five new screenshots can be found in our image gallery, as well.

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