Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Reviews

A couple of new reviews for Midway Games’ Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows have recently surfaced on the web. The first is at Eurogamer with an overall score of 5/10:

If one player decides to be a jerk, sadly more often than not on the internet, they can hold the game up forever by standing at one side of the screen and not moving. Indeed, if you find yourself with a sliver of health, and a tasty t-bone steak tantalisingly out of your grasp, you’d better hope that the battle swings your way, or be prepared to die, and wait until your team-mates reach the next respawn point. These flaws break the online game so much that it’s pointless, particularly compared to the single-machine two-player mode. While little more than a brainless dungeon hack, the teamwork requirements and exciting action make blasting through the game with someone else a great use of a lazy Sunday afternoon – the main game clocking in at a mere 3-5 hours.

And the second is at Digital Entertainment News with an overall score of 4.5/10:

The graphics were decent enough, but not great. The audio was fairly well done. The story was rather silly, especially considering how short the game was. All in all, this didn’t deserve to have the Gauntlet name slapped on it. Just because you’re swinging a sword around in co-op alongside a bow wielding elf doesn’t mean you’ve go the gameplay down. This game was a mistake.

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