GameSpy’s Most Wanted Games of 2005, Cont’d

GameSpy has concluded their list of most wanted games of 2005, with BioWare’s Jade Empire securing second place. Here’s a bit of what GameSpy had to say about the Xbox RPG:

Like KotOR, Jade Empire will also give you plenty of choices when deciding what type of person you want your character will be. Though you begin the game choosing from several different archetypes (fast, strong, balanced, etc.), every choice you make from there on out will affect your character in different ways. However, the developers promised that things won’t be as cut-and-dry as they were the last time out: there’s some significant grey area this time around. There’s no question, though, that the doctors’ dream project is going to be one of the best of the year.

In addition to Jade Empire, other RPGs on the list include ArenaNet’s Guild Wars (16th), Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XII (9th), and Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda (1st).

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