Games In 2004-2005 Q&A: Dana Massey

HomeLan Fed has published a brief Q&A with Mutable Realms’ Dana Massey, in which the Wish world designer talks about the games of 2004 and 2005. A snip:

Q: What video or PC game that was released in 2004 that you played was the most disappointing and why?

A: To be disappointed, you have to have expectations, and the only game where I had them and they were not met was Doom 3. Was there anything wrong with Doom 3? No, definitely not. It was beautiful, well done and exactly what Doom should be. That said, I think I let my imagination get carried away. By the time the final product entered my drive, I don’t think demons appearing on my desk would have impressed me. This is a classic case of the hype ruining the game, as I often let it do./ul>

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