Gamedec Updates, $145,599 and Counting

The final three days of Anshar Studios’ Kickstarter campaign for their cyberpunk detective RPG Gamedec are upon us. Right now, the campaign sits at $145,599, with its sights set on the $170k goal that will add partial voice-overs to the game. With that in mind, you might want to check out update #21 that announces a developer livestream, update #22 that talks about stretch goals, and update #23 that introduces us to the Anshar Studios team.

Here’s some information on the upcoming livestream:


Watch our live gameplay stream of Twisted and Perverted Virtualium case, with developer comment on Friday, 24/04/2020, starting at 9 PM CEST/12 PM PDT. You can watch it on various channels like Facebook, Twitch, or Gamedec’s Steam page!

During this stream, Łukasz Hacura, our Executive Producer, will play the alternate route of the T&P case with some new never-seen-before outcome! Because of the form of the material, you will be able to see uncut gameplay from this part of the game. Łukasz will also explain some of the mechanics and interactions and will tell you more about the general premise of Gamedec.

Also, there will be a Q&A Live Session during this Livestream, so feel free to ask him all the questions you want!

And some introductions:

This time, we will focus on people behind the project, Gamedec. Maybe you already had a chance to interact with some of them (for example, during the AMA on Reddit), but there are more than 20 people involved. We won’t show all of them in this update, but let’s meet some of them to help you familiarize yourself with them. As important as the game development, the people behind the project are crucial to achieving what the designers have in mind.

As you probably know many developers are shy and modest so a round of applause for those brave individuals for coming forth 😉

So, without further ado, let us present members of #TeamGamedec:

Marcin Rybiński

Marcin is a key person in this endeavor. As a Creative Director of the project, he is responsible for building and maintaining the high concept of the game, defining its pillars, and communicating the game vision to the team. Since Marcin has a lot of previous gamedev experience as a game and level designer, his knowledge in gameplay flow and system design is also constantly used during development. He’s also (like most of the design team) an experienced pen’n’paper RPG player and an avid Cyberpunk fan, which comes in handy when working on a project like Gamedec.

Marcin S. Przybyłek

The second person without whom Gamedec wouldn’t be possible is one that probably doesn’t need introductions. Marcin Przybyłek is the author of the Gamedec book saga and Gamedecverse as such. As a member of the team, he is not only a writer working with our narrative designers but also a consultant making sure the way we adapt Gamedec is true to the source material. He is also closely working with our PR team delivering lots of exciting content to you, guys. Marcin is a doctor by trade and has been working as a business coach for many years. He played in 19+, a Polish para-documentary series, and can do 70 push-ups in one go (but is unable to write after that, so we’re trying to keep that kind of ideas at bay)!

Agnieszka Rumińska

Cyberpunk is made not only by visual keys and setting but also with music, ambients, and SFX. And this is where Agnieszka comes in. She’s been working with Anshar Studios since 2016 on projects like Telefrag VR but also out 3rd party projects like Observer port on Switch or DLC for Divinity: Original Sin 2. She’s also a lecturer at the Academy of Sound Engineering.

Damian Sobczak

Damian is our Lead Programmer, working at Anshar Studios since 2018. He started working as a programmer in 2007, creating software for digital signage and developing various IT systems.

All those experiences led him to the video games industry, where he worked on an MMORPG game called Gloria Victis. He knew “Gamedec” from first stories published in Nowa Fantastyka, so when he heard about it being developed in Anshar Studios, Damian decided to join the team.

Sebastian Czepczor

Sebastian is another developer from our programmer’s team. He’s been in Anshar Studios 5 years ago, left for some time, and came back about half a year ago with new exp and an attitude 😉 His past projects are Dead Island, Call of Juarez: The Cartel and Ancestors: Legacy. And he is the loudest evangelist for ultra-widescreen support, so there’s that.

Magda Krasiejko

As you probably have seen, most of the characters in-game have a 2d avatar during their dialogues – Magda is one of two people responsible for that. She’s been with Anshar Studios for over two years as a concept artist and character artist and personally is a huge fan of Pokemon and Final Fantasy franchises.

Marlena Kasińska

All of our hard work would be for nothing, if not for the support and dedication of the QA team. Marlena has been working with us for almost two years. She finished computer science studies and has previous testing experience in IT testing. She’s a passionate gamer with some of her favorite titles being God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Final Fantasy franchise.

Szymon Misztal

Szymon is another QA Specialist allocated to the team also responsible for implementing automatic tests in the production process. He started his work as a tester on a rather niche genre of Hidden Object Puzzle Adventures, which he still remembers fondly. After that, he came closer to games he plays in his free time, like RPGs. In his free time, he’s a full-blown geek consuming multiple games, comics, and TV series, sometimes also taking part in a GameJam or doing a small game project that gets shelved.

Mateusz Niewiem

A game without FX always seems underdelivered and stiff. And when you have game and games-within-games, it’s a must-have. Mateusz is one of the newest additions to the team, and every explosion, fire, and smoke is his doing. The same goes for animations that are not character-related.

Before joining Anshar Studios, he worked on Last Oasis as a Technical Artist. In his free time, he works on different aspects of 3d art and animation – like developing his own set of tools for Blender inspired by Pivot Painter.

Magdalena Cielecka

Magdalena’s role in Anshar Studios is Head of Production, but she works in the Gamedec team as a producer mostly focused on working on production pipelines and with the design team. Most of her gamedev experience that is – eight years – is in production, but she’s been dabbling in game design in her academic career. She’s working on a doctoral thesis about procedural rhetorics and polyphony of dialogue structures in narrative games and is a deputy dean of the Game Design programme at Tischner European University in Kraków.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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