Gamedec Updates, $136,336 and Counting

Anshar Studios’ Kickstarter campaign for their cyberpunk detective RPG Gamedec has entered its final week with $136,336 currently pledged and the next stretch goal set at $140k. And seeing how the campaign is already a success, we can now check out this update where Marcin S. Przybyłek, the author of the books the game is based on, shares some insights into the world he created. Have a look:

And then, there’s also update #20 dedicated to Gamedec’s character creation system. More on that:

Hi There, everyone!

It’s time for another article about game mechanics. In this update, we will tell you something more about the Character Creation process.

There will be few moments more important in Gamedec than the one when the character creation window pops up. After all, this is the beginning of the journey, the moment when you decide on your backstory, and your appearance. Remember that your gamedec is a tabula rasa for you to draw upon. And it’s your choice how you want to start this adventure.

In most games, character creation is a long and involved process. Players wanting to make the best choice about their stats needs to pore over pages and pages of options. It can take a lot of time and effort, so we wanted to address it differently.

The process of determining your background will begin with just a series of questions about you. A kind of a Voight-Kampff test, though the consequences of your answers might be a bit easier to predict, and the results of it will be your starting aspects. They’re mostly focused on your past experiences, approaches in dealing with problems, and various preferences. After the assessment of your test, you will be given a set of aspects needed to unlock the professions we deemed fit for your playstyle.

In addition to being accessible, character creation in Gamedec is simple and straightforward. There are no equations for figuring out derived stats or dividing points on different statistics – Your choices are reflected by your aspects during the first part of the Character Creation.

The third step of the process is deciding on an avatar. In essence, you will be able to choose from few archetypes (e.g., noir detective), each having variants depicting different ethnicities and genders.

After selecting the ethnicity, gender, and avatar of your gamedec, the world is yours to explore, secret’s yours to crack and character yours to further define with actions and words.

As you know, we’ve reached out to the Stretch goal of Additional Character Customization, which means that you will have five more skins to choose from. Some of them will be a classic addition to your character style; some of them will be something different.

What skins would you like to see? Write it down in the comments, maybe it’ll inspire us to craft something unexpected!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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