Gamedec Live and Funded on Kickstarter, $52,912 and Counting

In a rather surprising development, you can now support Anshar Studios’ upcoming adaptive cyberpunk RPG Gamedec on Kickstarter. The game, where you’ll be playing as a cyberpunk detective specializing in virtual reality crime, is currently set to go live sometime around Q4 2020.

Gamedec’s initial campaign goal was set at $50,000. It was surpassed in less than two days and as a result, the campaign is now looking to reach some stretch goals, the first of which will introduce a more hardcore “true detective” mode.

Some campaign updates are already available. The very first one is dedicated to backer rewards, the second one lets us know that the game will be coming to GOG, and the third one talks about stretch goals. Before we get to any of that, here’s the official campaign video:

And here are the text bits from the third update:

What kind of mystery is that? We are funded in 36 hours?!

Thank you all for this fantastic support! The last two days were mesmerizing – you showed us so much love, gave tons of energy to carry on with our work, and stood with us on our Discord around the clock!

We have more ideas to share, and hopefully, this is a promising start to a grand voyage. Together, let’s make Gamedec even bigger and better! You were so kind and spread the word about this project so well that we hit the 100% mark in such a short notice! On our first-ever crowdfunding campaign! We couldn’t do this without you! Every retweet, every share, and article brought us to this update. So for that reason – We thank you!

A truly wonderful time for our team to be a part of such a welcoming and positive community of both RPG fans and RPG creators alike! We want to thank each one of you for backing and spreading the positive word about Gamedec. It’s our biggest and most ambitious project yet, and we’re honored to see so many of you believe in this game as much as we do!

We still have many Updates prepared; some of them will explain the core mechanics or let you dive deep into the Gamedecverse itself. Don’t be afraid to ask for details or things you’d like to understand better – we’re here for you.

Ok, let’s get ready to rumble! It’s time to present our first stretch goal!

The goal for the $60,000 – A True Detective mode!

Let’s not stop here. Funding is just a start – we expect to show you more stretch goals, which we prepared beforehand! We still have something BIG up our sleeve, you know?

Thank you once again for backing our campaign on Kickstarter. We will do our best not to let you down. Our journey just began, and we’re pleased you’re all aboard!

P.S. The FAQ section has been updated, including more details about the Underground Artist pledge. You can see it in the tab of our campaign.

If you’d like to talk with our team members, or want to ask a question to the Author of the Gamedecverse (Marcin S. Przybyłek) or chat with enthusiasts like you – join our Discord channel.

A big Thank You,

from #TeamGamedec

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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