Gamedec – Kickstarter Campaign Concluded, $171,163 Pledged

Having narrowly reached the $170k stretch goal, Anshar Studios’ Kickstarter campaign for their cyberpunk detective RPG Gamedec is now officially over. This means that on release, the game will feature partial voice overs that will help you get a better feel for the characters you’re dealing with. With that in mind, you might want to read the first post-funding update that shares a thank you message along with the team’s plans for the nearest future:

Hello there, Detectives!

It’s been a long time since our Kickstarter Campaign started.

After exactly 33 days, 4911 backers, over 420 comments, and a final total of $171,163, the Kickstarter campaign for Gamedec has come to an end! It’s not the end; it’s just a new, exciting beginning.

All of us at Anshar Studios are really happy – the level of support that we have received — not only in terms of pledges but also feedback and involvement was terrific. Right from the start, we aimed to use the campaign as a means to bring our community closer to the development process and make a real, fan-driven experience. In every regard, you have exceeded our expectations, and we would like to extend our everlasting gratitude to you all.

The combined sum of pledges from Kickstarter means that we’ve hit over 171k mark, unlocking Partial Voice-Overs just one hour before the end of the campaign – what a superb way to finish our first Kickstarter Campaign! You will be able to get an insight into the nature of the NPC with which you interact during your playthrough! Not all dialogues will be recorded; each NPC will have a set of vocalized lines to understand their personality and attitude better.

Let’s take a look at the stretch goals that have been achieved along the way! Be ready for the “No Turn back” mode, new Virtual Worlds to Discover – The one inspired by the H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu, and the one from Seven: The Days Long Gone, and extended character interactions and customization!

What’s next?

The detailed update with instructions will be posted in the upcoming weeks, as well as the fulfillment surveys. Expect it when we finish processing all the data gathered during the campaign.

Of course, Gamedecs work never ends, and there are still many cases to be solved! We have to finish the game – that’s for starters! The updates and community involvement will continue – there’s plenty of things that we haven’t even shown you yet! We can’t wait to bring you updated on the latest build developments.

Everyone at Anshar Studios is celebrating the success of the campaign and making toasts to the most significant community of all – You!

  • Our current focus is getting the backer pledge system on BackerKit up and running. We’ll have more information on that later date – don’t worry about the process – should you have any questions, ask them here or on our Discord server.
  • We’re also working on putting together the backer surveys. We only get to send them out once, so we’re taking our time to make sure we include everything we need to know.
  • Once we’re done with that, we will start sending you some of the digital goodies.
  • Remember to join our Discord Server for the post-Kickstarter support and access to the exclusive backer channels.
  • Stay tuned for more content-related updates such as Dev-Diaries exploring the game development process even further.

We’ve still got a lot going on, and we’ll have more announcements for you very soon. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding when we had something to be fixed – we’ve worked really hard to make this campaign the way it looks right now, and our main goal was clarity, reliability, and transparency.

We hope it’s the start of a beautiful journey, and we’re glad to have you all on board!

Once again, A BIG [THANK YOU]

From #TeamGamedec

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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