GameBanshee Project Eternity ChipIn Campaign Update #2

As Obsidian’s Project Eternity Kickstarter campaign approaches its eighth stretch goal at $2.4 million with a full 10 days remaining, it’s clear that the RPG will be an ambitious one that aligns perfectly with what we’ve been holding out for since the Infinity Engine golden days came to an end. And so I wanted to kick up another reminder that our ChipIn campaign has the same amount of time to reach a $5000 or higher tier in order to get a banshee-themed inn, character, and item added to the game. We’re past the $2500 mark, but with plenty of ground yet to cover, please consider donating to the cause and securing the site and yourself a prominent spot within the game itself!

In case you are unaware of the benefits that your donation can bring, here’s another quick rundown:

Donations below $50

‘¢ A place among this elite list of Immortalizers.
‘¢ Our eternal gratitude.

Donations of $50 and greater

‘¢ The fantasy-themed name of your choice will be scrawled in the game within a tome, into a table, or on a tombstone – you pick!
‘¢ A custom Project Eternity badge in our forums.
‘¢ A place among this elite list of Immortalizers.
‘¢ Our eternal gratitude.

Donations of $100 and greater

‘¢ A custom “GameBanshee Immortalizer!” mousepad will be sent to your door.
‘¢ The fantasy-themed name of your choice will be scrawled in the game within a tome, into a table, or on a tombstone – you pick!
‘¢ A custom Project Eternity badge in our forums.
‘¢ A place among this elite list of Immortalizers.
‘¢ Our eternal gratitude.

Despite the crazy amount of talent working on the game, it’s impossible to predict just how successful Project Eternity will be at this point. However, it’s clear that the game has struck a chord among role-playing fans and that it will go down in history as one of the earliest and most popular RPGs to be crowd-funded by tens of thousands of fans around the world. Don’t miss out on a chance to be featured in the game itself and know that you helped shape an integral section of the RPG.  And if you’ve donated already – thank you for helping us achieve this once-in-a-lifetime goal!

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