GameBanshee Project Eternity ChipIn Campaign Update

We’re about at the midway point on Obsidian’s Project Eternity Kickstarter campaign, and while the project has brought in nearly double what its original funding goal was, our ChipIn campaign is still considerably shy of reaching a $5000 or higher tier in order to get a banshee-themed inn, character, and item added to the game. As such, I thought I’d post a quick reminder of what’s in store for anyone willing to donate, and share the newly created logo that will grace the mousepads that I’ll be sending out to everyone who donated $100 or more. Not only will a donation help secure GameBanshee and our audience an eternal place within the RPG, but it also has a few extra perks:

Donations below $50

‘¢ A place among this elite list of Immortalizers.
‘¢ Our eternal gratitude.

Donations of $50 and greater

‘¢ The fantasy-themed name of your choice will be scrawled in the game within a tome, into a table, or on a tombstone – you pick!
‘¢ A custom Project Eternity badge in our forums.
‘¢ A place among this elite list of Immortalizers.
‘¢ Our eternal gratitude.

Donations of $100 and greater

‘¢ A custom “GameBanshee Immortalizer!” mousepad will be sent to your door.
‘¢ The fantasy-themed name of your choice will be scrawled in the game within a tome, into a table, or on a tombstone – you pick!
‘¢ A custom Project Eternity badge in our forums.
‘¢ A place among this elite list of Immortalizers.
‘¢ Our eternal gratitude.

And as I promised above, here is the exclusive logo that will grace the mousepad:

If you’ve enjoyed the news, reviews, previews, interviews, editorials, walkthroughs, databases, and other content we’ve provided over the last 12+ years, please consider donating! Thank you!

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