GameBanshee Feature: Pool of Radiance Interview

In another example of GameBanshee’s need-to-please attitude, we put together an in-depth interview with the producer of Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, Garrett Graham. It’s the RPG with a goal to do for CRPGing today what its namesake did 10 years ago. Here’s a gobletfull:

Q: What steps, if any, have been taken to enhance the re-playability of the game? Are the drops for magical items and artifacts static or are some randomly allocated?

A: In the single player game, the map and encounters are static. We’ve put in a lot of quests, however and expect that most players will play through a second time with a different party to do all the things they missed the first time around. Most of the re-playability comes from Multi-Play, which has random dungeons, random encounters and a few powerful magic items, which aren’t in the single player game. Any player can play the Multi-Play game by themselves, if they want to.

For the interview and for more information about PoR than you could dig up with a sledgehammer, check out GameBanshee’s Pool of Radiance subsite.

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