Game Over: The End of Dragon Age: Origins

Platform Nation has put together something of a retrospective for Dragon Age: Origins, though the article focuses entirely on the game’s “unforgettable” ending.

Either way, that final march is complemented with something that has become standard in Hollywood epic movies: the heroic speech; played by either Alistair or Anora in a very grand way. Origins manages to give you everything to get you excited and set-up for the battle of your life. The choices felt important in the end, the grandeur is evident and the enemy, merciless; the battle for Denerim has you traveling within the various parts of the city in order to protect whatever you can, and you can finally make use of the army you assembled throughout the game. This is the time you’ll finally realize how good of a choice saving the Elves was, or put the natural-born warrior reputation of the dwarves to the test.

The fight against the Archdemon is just the icing of an epic cake. It won’t by any means be an easy fight (it won’t be overly difficult either) but it’ll probably test your skills in commanding both your party and your army. It’s a very interesting battle to say the least, and one I personally hadn’t experienced in a long time; they don’t do final bosses like this one anymore. With a permanent array of enemies trying to rip your guts, the necessity of constantly managing your healer, managing your stamina so you attack good enough but have space to retreat and recover, and deploying your army in a way they get the least damage; this boss is quite easily one of the most intense (yet strategic) and breathtaking fights in recent years.

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