Fun in IRC…

Shadowbane’s Internet relations managers Ashen Temper (from Wolfpack, the developer) and Vosx (from UbiSoft the US publisher) were at an IRC chat hosted by Shadowbane Warcry. Thanks to them for hosting this interview and giving all of us something to chat about for a little while 😉 Although this specific quip may not rank too highly up on many people’s list…

    Ashen Temper: Well, here is the latest bug from one of our Beta Testers of the week (BoneDancer-SiN) – Bug: There are no bunnies in the game

    Ashen Temper: He seems to be very upset about that bug, too.

    J.: Fascinating.

The full interview, with some information that’s actually semirelavent and interesting can be found here! 🙂

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