Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Q&A #1

RPGVault has posted a two-question interview with several members of the Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich development team. One of the questions deals with the team’s favorite superheroes and the other focuses on villains:

Q: What new enemies in Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich do you find especially memorable, noteworthy or interesting, and why?

Dorian Hart, Lead Designer: My favorite new villain is Red Oktober. I like her attitude, which combines typical villainous arrogance with a fierce devotion to the Russian motherland. I like her role in the story, where that same devotion drives her to make an unexpected alliance. And I especially like her ability to turn her enemies into toads, which inspired my favorite of artist Robb Waters’ comic covers. You’ll know the one I mean.

I also have a soft spot for the Eyes of the Reich, because they’re a great example of a designer’s concept taken to great places by art and sound. I had the idea early on that the Germans had experimented to create a genetic horror – a floating eyeball that fired various flavors of beam energy from its pupil. Robb took that and made it into a brain suspended in a jar, with tentacles and jets for flight – one of the best looking new characters in the game. Eric Brosius, our fantastic sound designer, gave it a creepy, echoing mechanical voice to complete the package.

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